среда, ноября 17, 2004

Да, я любила их, те сборища ночные, –

На маленьком столе стаканы ледяные,
Над черным кофеем пахучий, тонкий пар,
Камина красного тяжелый, зимний жар,
Веселость едкую литературной шутки
И друга первый взгляд, беспомощный и жуткий.

Анна Ахматова

1 комментарий:

mrlederhosen комментирует...

I am new to blogging, I just started my blog site today, so I am not sure of how it all works. As I looked around, I saw your page and looked at your profile. You look like the sort of person I could get on pretty well with!
I would love to read some of your blogs, but I can only speak in English. I loooove Budapest, I stayed there for a while a few years ago, and love the books you read and share some of your interests. I'll write again to you as soon as I understand how blogging works.
I live in Australia, yet our worlds are not so different.
